In the early evening of December 9th the Buffalo Café in Plains was full, but no one was ordering from the menus. Friends were gathered at tables, but no one was laughing or calling out to one another. In fact, if you looked closely enough, faces showed the traces of tears and heads were shaking in disbelief.
The Buffalo Café was full, but the most important person wasn’t there… Tommy Webb.
The Plains community is short one more person today. Tommy passed away late Monday afternoon in the place he had made his home… Plains.
Tommy was the manager of the Buffalo Café and anyone who came in, whether hometown or visitor, always left the Café feeling just a little bit better because Tommy was there. With a smile and a story, Tommy could turn even a bad day into one that just didn’t seem as bad anymore. He hadn’t lived in Plains all of his life, but you’d never know it; he fit in from the minute he moved to his new home.
Tommy also worked with the Better Hometown Program, making sure Plains was ‘dressed up’ throughout the year. He was a member of the Peanut Festival staff and helped out when needed at the Plains Historic Inn. In other words… Tommy was a part of the day to day life of Plains.
To those left behind… we’ll ‘see’ Tommy every time we walk into The Buffalo, when we look at the butterfly garden behind the café, when we notice the lollipops at the corner of Main Street. We’ll hear his laughter when a good story is told and we’ll miss him every minute.
Tommy didn’t want us to mourn, didn’t want us to sit around and cry. He wanted us to celebrate his life and remember him as he was. And we’re going to do exactly what he wanted, exactly what his children wanted… we’re going to celebrate Tommy Webb’s life on December 20th with a street dance in Plains. Jimmy Gaddy, one of Tommy's favorites will play downtown from 8:00 PM to 11:00PM.
So join us on December 20th with his children, Ashley and Heath; his grandchildren, Mason, Jackson, Josie, and Abbie Kate; and his Plains family and celebrate with us.
And we’re going to fill The Buffalo Café with laughter and tears and smiles and we’re going to fill every table, because that’s what Tommy would have wanted.